Some basic features of BEARdocs include:
- The support of multiple communities and collections to fit the needs of any departments on campus.
- The support of tailored submission processes for each collection so that submissions can be reviewed (if appropriate) and metadata (descriptive information) assigned before the item becomes available in BEARdocs.
- The support of a wide variety of digital formats (PDFs, image files, video files, data files, etc.)
- The long-term preservation of specified digital objects in BEARdocs.
- Persistent URIs that will never change.
- The use of metadata to provide rich descriptive information for each item held in BEARdocs.
- The ability to both browse or search the BEARdocs collections.
- The accessibility of BEARdocs to search engines such as Google, Google Scholar, Bing, etc. .
- Accessibility options, including complete open access to documents or limited access, depending on the needs of the individual authors.