Answered By: Billie Peterson-Lugo
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2023     Views: 233

  • Do not try really broad Call Number Starts with searches in OneSearch, such as all call numbers that start with B. You will get better results for more specific searches, such as call numbers that start with BT93
  • Call number prefixes such as Oversize, Ref., Texas, Polk, etc. are included in this search index. If searching for something in a location or collection that uses a prefix, you will need to include the prefix in your search terms.
  • Volume and part information is not included in the call number index, such as v.1 or the year for a classed serial. So if searching for a specific call number, leave off the year and any volume or part information.
  • You can’t sort the search results to get them into call number order.
  • What is on a book’s spine label is a combination of three fields in Alma from two different records: Permanent Call Number + Description + Item Copy ID
    • The Permanent Call Number* is from the MARC Holding record and is inherited by all item records underneath that Holding record (i.e. all volumes, parts, and copies of that title in that particular shelving location).
      • *Alma has a habit of giving the same field different labels in different parts of the system. So sometimes this field is called Permanent Call Number and sometimes just Call Number.
    • The Description and Item Copy ID fields are from the item record:
      • The Description field contains volume and part information, such as v.1 or the year for some classed serials.
      • Item Copy ID is the copy number for added copies, such as c.2
    • If there are variations in the call number of multiple volumes/copies of the same title held in the same shelving location, the Item Call Number field in the item record will be used for those call numbers that are different from the Holding record’s Permanent Call Number.
  • OneSearch’s Call Number index only includes data from the Holding record’s Permanent Call Number field. It does not include data from the item record’s Description, Item Copy ID, and Item Call Number fields.
  • If you would like a list of physical library materials in a particular call number range and/or location, contact Allison Yanos.