Answered By: Ellen Hampton Filgo
Last Updated: Oct 28, 2020     Views: 337

Submit a request using the OsoFast service. Provide as much information as you have regarding author, title, edition, publisher, publication year, ISBN or ISSN, etc.


For Faculty: Select the type of resource you are requesting and choose "Suggest for collection" under the drop down menu for "Which best describes your level of need?"


For Students: Select the type of resource you are requesting and write in the notes field "Suggesting for collection." If you are requesting it on behalf of a faculty member for which you work, please add that information to the notes field -- including the name and department of the faculty member. Alternatively, if the faculty member for whom you work has authorized you as a proxy in OsoFast so you can make requests on his/her behalf, login to OsoFast with the proxy account credentials, and follow the instructions For Faculty, above.