Answered By: Ken Carriveau
Last Updated: Dec 01, 2023     Views: 646

This varies by patron type and the nature of the material. Overdue and other circulation notices are sent via email to a client's Baylor email account. All clients are responsible for checking their email on a regular basis and for returning materials on time and in good condition. It's easy to avoid costly fees by renewing materials online. Fines will be assessed in the following circumstances:

  • Faculty, students (both undergraduate and graduate), and staff are charged only after an item is 30 days overdue -- at which point they are billed for the cost of a lost item. For each item listed, this replacement bill includes: the replacement price, a processing fee, and a billing fee. The Libraries will waive all fees once the item is returned. Clients should not purchase replacements themselves.
  • Alumni and TexShare -- $1 per day.
  • Interlibrary Loan Materials -- Overdue charges for ILL items are based on the fees charged by the lending institution.
  • Reserve Materials -- Fines accrue hourly for 2-hour and 3-hour reserve items, and by the day for 3-day and 7-day reserves.
  • Recalled Items -- If an item is "recalled", someone else needs to use that item. A recall may affect the original due date, so read the message carefully. Additional fines (generally $1 per day) are assessed for recalled items that are returned late.
  • Damaged Materials -- Clients are responsible for returning materials in good condition. Fines (up to the cost of replacement with processing and billing fees) will be assessed for pencil/pen marks, dog ears, and other damage found at time of check-in.
  • Help Desk+ Checkout Rules of Use.