Question: Want a better print driver than what we bundle in the Windows PawPrints installer?
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024     Views: 67

  1. Download and install the latest version of the HP Universal Print Driver (see the link in this FAQ). We like the Postscript version.
  2. You may need to create a "dummy" printer, which you may delete later.
  3. Navigate to "Printers & Scanners" in your System settings.
  4. Click on a PawPrints queue and select "Manage" then "Printer Properties."
  5. Click "Change Properties."
  6. Choose the "Advanced" tab and choose the new HP Universal Print Driver from the driver list.
  7. Click "Apply" and wait for the changes to complete.
  8. IF THIS IS A COLOR QUEUE - Choose the "Device Settings" tab, scroll to the bottom, and change Device Type to "Color" and click "OK."
  9. Repeat for any other PawPrints queues you wish to upgrade.

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